Friday 28 September 2018

(hair) parting is such sweet sorrow...

Well, I guess it had to happen eventually.

After 10 + devoted years, I've split up...with my hairdresser.
Yes! I am single...and it feels an odd way.

I always envisaged growing old with G****s (my ex 'dresser.) I held many a day dream of our future together such as her -

  • being the one to caress my follicles on my wedding day.
  • advise me on what products to put on my first child's scalp.
  • hopping on my private jet to my filming destination for the periodic steam*

    Seriously, the list was endless...I had plans I tell you..PLANS!

    But as with all best laid plans, reality doesn't always match the fantasy.

    The red flags started waving lightly in the breeze - if she had a salon full of clients, she expected me to be the one who was happy to wait all frigging day whilst she tended to her other clients. Y'know like I don't have a life of my own or something.

    I mean, G****s is a genius, and her anointed hands were able to deal with the most stubborn of follicles, however if the booked appointment is at 11:30 hrs, yet your hair-do STILL wasn't done by 17:00 hrs, its fair for your eyebrows to raise and your eyes to roll somewhat as your arse gets numb.

    Then the prices starting to creep up slowly yet steadily. Over the years, G-lady developed an annoying habit of not mentioning prices with you when you booked the appointment, it was only when you were sat in her chair with your hair wet looking like a troll, she'd mention she'd used a new and improved all singing/all dancing treatment which was 'x' amount so this trip was gonna cost more than your previous time. Okay...

    Another mega gripe I had was the busier she become, the ruder she became...especially towards her staff. One thing I deplore is when people in positions of power treat others (especially those who depends on you for their livelihood) like poo.

    So, after overhearing one cutting and insensitive remark too many I made a mental note to bid farewell to the woman who held my hair happiness in her hands.

    It was scary at the time, but change is good....Onward and upwards!

    What are your thoughts on hairdressers? Do you have a regular person who oversees your locks? Comment below and let me know! xo

    * I adore the environment so, probably not the best idea.

    Wednesday 14 March 2018

    Spring time...sing time!

    Purleeese tell me where is this year going?! I mean, seriously how fast are we ploughing through 2018!
    The end of 2017 was extremely busy for me (yay!) which subsequently meant less blog posts then I would have liked (boo)!
    But hey! New year, fresh start and I intend to start as I mean to go on, especially now we are officially in March and apparently a new season is upon us. I say apparently, as anyone who lives on these British Isles will confirm how chaotic life was when the Beast from the East came over to play.
    Anyways, moving swiftly on *cough*...What happens when the weather has warmed up, but it's still  not warm warm? Obviously tights stay ON and, for me, said tights are opaque from M&S
    I cannot praise M&S enough for their tights; they hold their shape, colour and rarely snag - proper value for money! 

    My floral print jacket, I feel, is a decent nod to Spring. The boxy shoulder style and print is also funky enough to team up with this beautiful silver skirt, pleated skirt, regular blog readers will know how much I luuurrrvvveee a pleat! 

    Photo credit - Katy Hussey. 
         As this outfit is perfectly edgy downtime/weekend day attire, comfy shoes and a crossover bag with a long strap are useful also allows your hands to become available for things like...erm food! lol!  Top with some funky make up and you're good to go!

     I tell you what, going back to the topic of weather (Hey I'm British, I can't help but bring it up) I am really hoping this Summer brings the heat, or I might just end up moving to a country where the weather does really suit my clothes...there's a song in there somewhere ;)

    Comment below to let me know how your wardrobe is embracing the different season, I'd love to know xo

    Sunday 24 September 2017

    D D and all that..

    Shoes are from the ever so lovely range at Dorothy Perkins.
    So, there I was plodding along with life, thinking everything was hunky-dory, when out of the blue a friend of mine shockingly confessed a dislike....for denim dresses. WOW!

     To say I was taken aback was an understatement - how can you not like denim in dress form? She then went on to explain her reasons whilst using words like rodeo, cowboys, stetsons, soccer mom ...seriously, you could have knocked me down with a feather duster!

    Dress is from F&F range, bag is by Alexander Wang and the scarf is a vintage find!
    Which got me often do I see people in my life wearing denim dresses? Am I really the only one in my circle of friends who wears such a thing?
    Thank you, Katy for such beaut images.

    Undeterred (yet oh so determined to prove a point), I went through my wardrobe and found one of my three denim dresses. Now, usually I wear this beautiful garment with my allstars, but seeing as I my vanity and pride were at stake, I decided to challenge myself to *jazz up* my usual dress with some heels, a neck scarf and some lippy.

     I wore this on a night out with friends (including Ms Denim Detester herself) and the amount of compliments almost made me forget the reason why I deliberately wore said dress in the first place.

    Over to you my, beloved readers -

    • What are your views on denim dresses?
    • Is there a garment which you have very strong views about? 
    Comment below and let me know x

    Wednesday 3 May 2017

    It's a London thing.....Beautiful neighbourhood(s)

    WOW!!...I mean Ooops!!

    Has it really been over 6 whole months since my last post? Please accept my profound apologises, I'll ensure never to leave such a large gap again....promise

    I hope you've all been keeping over during this time? Life for me has been very productive with some rather lovely significant breaks.

    I was conversing with various friends about moving houses, buying property and living in new areas, and even though I've been invited to view said new homes, I haven't actually pulled my finger out and made the effort *hang my head in shame*.

    It also got me thinking how my fellow Londoners, apart from work, generally stay in their own manors/yards/hoods for rest and play. Seriously, I don't know if it's because we're generally overworked, tired, poor, or just lazy, its a sad fact that once we've plonked our butts in a location, we rarely venture away more than a bus ride away...unless we're leaving the country or something.
    Greater London in a colourful nutshell.

    Geography even affects how Londoners date. I'll be the first to admit that when a new guy comes into my life, some of the initial thoughts that pop into my head include...
    "How many tube changes to get to/from his place"
     "Will I have to travel via central"
    "Is his neck of the woods overly susceptible to the dreaded rail replacement bus"

    Like I many many miles!!
    I mean genuine LDR (Long Distance Relationships) i.e if your other half lives/works in, say, New York is undoubtedly Romantic (with a capital R) but residing in the same city but living in SW when you reside in NE? Forget that! That's just long! Way too inconvenient and traumatic!

    What do you think of relationships and distance? Good or pointless? Comment below and let me know. xo

    Monday 24 October 2016

    Goals and 4th Quarter Living...


    Shout Out to the epic man Eric Thomas aka the Hip Hop Preacher! If you haven't already heard of him, please check him out for he is a true inspiration. 

    I also believe he originally coined the term '4th Quarter Living' as in you've started the game (or in our case, the year) and as we approach the end of another year, it's time to finish off STRONG!

    2016 has been a true eye opener...but we are still here! There are only a few weeks left of the year, and with the weather changing, it feels all too easy to go into 'hibernation' mode. 

    But from past experience, I know the impact of doing/thinking in such a manner will make it harder to find gusto for when it's needed. So instead, I'm asking myself...what can I do NOW that will encourage 2017 to start with a BANG?? 

    It's getting colder, but my thoughts are bright and sunny!
    Thank you Katy Hussey for this beaut illustration xo

    The adage 'Dress for the career you want, not for the one you have', is self-explanatory. I mean, how can you expect to get to where you want to be if you're still doing the same thing...but expecting dramatically different results?

    Thinking about the lifestyle I currently have to what I aspire to live, it's a no-brainer that the simplest to kickstart this would be to just get up earlier. This way, I can execute my daily plan more effectively and fit in more order to bring my dream a little closer....that much quicker.

    But, I hear you do I know I'm actually doing more? Well, only time will tell....

    What are your thoughts on 4th Quarter Living and working something into existance? Comment below and let me know xo

    Sunday 9 October 2016

    Lights, Camera...Action

    Dream. Believe. Achieve...

    Well, I've had an idea for a film for quite sometime now. It came out of the blue, when I was busy making myself a cuppa at my day job. Standard procedure.

    My colleague/friend took the opportunity, to accompany me to the little kitchen, to fill me in on some office gossip...I know, I know.

    As I waited for the kettle to boil, she had me guess (successfully) who the topic of the day was about. 

    Rummaging around in the cupboard for teabags, I thought this little scenario would be the perfect setting for a film. 
    The way my mind works sometimes astounds even me.

    Fast forward a few months, I took the plunge to put my little idea into action. 

    As I'd written and produced the piece, the next natural step might have been to plop myself in front of the camera. 
    But if I'm going to be honest, I thought I'd instead use the opportunity to explore other realms of the industry.

    So for this particular project, I was writer/ director and producer.

    I felt, not only will it give me a greater understanding of the different duties on a film set, I could focus on exacting the vision that was in my head. 

    Thankfully, the actors I approached agreed to the project, as well as a super fabulous and knowledgeable crew on board.
    We shot in one day and the editing for both film and trailer* took place a few weeks afterwards. #QuickTurnAroundMuch?!

    All stills taken by Shot By Tops

    Big love and thank you to everyone involved for your talents, patience and great on-site vibes ....xo

    Sunday 21 August 2016

    Summer Dreams...

    That was quick! Summer, I mean ;-)

    As the UK approaches Autumn, it's fun to look back at recent fun times....such as 'Making like a Tourist in London' day!
    From taking a rickshaw on Westminster Bridge, braving the intense crowds at the London Eye to almost getting drenched at Southbank's Fountain, truly glorious times were had.

    As I had plans for the early evening (in the opposite direction from where I live) and also a mental note to adhere to a casual/smart dress code.
    Digressing slightly...I cannot think of a single person who appreciates being advised' dress casual/smart'...I mean, it's hardly helpful is it! It can be frustrating and time consuming picking a suitable outfit!

     Anyways, I think I hit the nail on the head with this dress! 

    This amazing book clutch is from a selection at TK Maxx....seriously roomy!
    and the sandals are from River Island 

    For me, it ticks multiple boxes - 

    • just above knee length
    • floaty sleeves (covers top of arms)
    • v-neck
    • material thin enough so I can wear with a jacket (thinking Winter wardrobe)
    • And the best's a supermarket buy! Yes, I got this glorious frock from Tescos Florence & Fred range.

    When in doubt, blow your own trumpet! 

    For this day it was perfect attire to see me through day and night. Accompanied with my Gap trench coat...just in case the weather changes me when I say UK weather can change at the flick of a switch.

    What's your favourite Summer memory? Comment below and let me know xo
    Aren Devlin © 2014